"CHART your Journey" Blog Series || Chapter 5: Action to "R"

Hey, we're down to our last two topics on this blog series! Thanks for tuning in! I hope you're learning a lot of things so far and being inspired on your journey towards success.

Our fourth topic is where the real work and hustle comes in. Now that we already have a deeper understanding of ourselves and started leveraging our skills and started putting them into practice, our actions will eventually determine out fate and what results we will get.

The fourth topic on the "CHART your journey" series starts with the letter "R". Do you have an idea what "R" stands for?

Yes, you are correct. "R" is for "Realize". It means "to bring into reality; make real; to obtain or achieve, as gain or profit".

To give you more context, "realizing" involves the following factors.

1. Prepare to be uncomfortable.

Our road to success will require change and this will make us uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable is a good sign that we are already going out of our comfort zone and really taking meaningful actions. A quote from Bryant McGill (an American author) says "whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth." In the same context, Twyla Tharp (an American dancer, choreographer, and author) says that "our ability to grow is directly proportional to an ability to entertain the uncomfortable."

2. Set a realistic learning curve.

Seth Godin (an American author and former dot com business executive) says "every activity worth doing has a learning curve." An expert in anything was once a beginner. Every beginner goes through a learning curve. This is a phase in the success journey where a lot of things can happen, a positive shift in ourselves over time and also moments of failures. That's why setting realistic learning curve is critical. We should assess our capabilities and limitations to be able to effectively set the timeframes and how we will achieve the results that we want.

3. Don’t overwhelm yourself.

A high level of enthusiasm in reaching our goal is good but we should set limits to avoid being overwhelmed. We should take one step at a time, at a phase that would be ideal for us. We have to realize that there is no shortcut to success, we have to be patient and consistent in our actions. A great quote I found online says "if the finish line feels too far away, don't look at it. Just look down at your feet and take your next, best step."

4. Ask help.

Having confidence is a vital ingredient for success. But we know that overconfidence is a bad thing. As David Allen (an American productivity consultant) says, "you can do anything, but not everything". It's a fact that we should accept. We should ask help when we need it. As Barack Obama (the 44th U.S. President) one said. "don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. It shows you have the courage to admit when you don't know something, and then allows you to learn something new."

5. Build your network.

One my favorite quote from Robert Kiyosaki is "the richest people in the world look for and build networks, everyone else looks for a job." Networking is a secret of the rich, but same can apply to ordinary people who want to be successful. Part of the success journey is building, growing and nurturing a network. Networking involves interacting with other people to exchange information or services, or simply to create relationships which can serve a good purpose in one's personal or professional lives.

6. Quality above everything.

Taking quality actions is a crucial part of the success journey. Quality actions make us efficient and productive, and these always yields excellent results. As William Foster (a United States Marine who received the Medal of Honor) once said, "quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

7. Work hard. Work smart.

A funny quote from Bill Gates says "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job. Because he will find an easy way to do it." We already know that success requires hard work, but working smart is equally important. Working smart does not necessarily mean cheating, rather finding ways to make the work easier and more efficient. People have varying definitions on the difference between these two concepts (working hard vs working smart), but in my perspective, both are interrelated.

8. Manage your time well.

Yes, proper and effective time management is a must. When we are geared towards achieving our goals, it's critical for us to carefully plan out our actions and prioritize, especially in times where we have a lot of things to do. One of the things I learned from one of my mentors in terms of prioritization is to prioritize the things which will have the biggest impact. As Randy Pausch (an American professor) once said, "being successful doesn't make you manage your time well. Managing your time well makes you successful."

There you have it, folks. That's our fourth step in the "Success Roadmap". I hope this gives you valuable insights on some of the factors to consider when realizing your way to success. Our fifth and final topic will be out tomorrow.  I'll see you in my next blog. :)


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