9 Famous UPLB Landmarks and What They Meant to Me

Every "iskolar ng bayan" will agree that studying in UP would probably be one of the greatest blessings they've received in their lives. For one thing, not everyone is being given the chance to study at this premier university. If you read my previous blog, you would know how difficult it was to pass the UPCAT. Secondly, UP has made its mark of excellence in providing world-class college education, in fact consistently ranking as one of the top universities in Asia and the world. Studying in UP gives both a sense of pride and honor, but also entails a big responsibility.

I was fortunate to have been given the chance to acquire my college degree in one of UP's premier campuses, the University of the Philippines Los Baños. I fell in love with the campus the first time I saw it. It was beautifully landscaped and the green scenery was very refreshing.

Aside from being one of the best universities, UPLB has also been known for its famous landmarks. While reminiscing these landmarks which became part of my college days, I also thought of valuable symbols each landmark meant to me. Alright, let's jump right into it.

1. Carabao Park

Aside from the university's name in the main entrance of the campus, one of the first landmarks you will see when you enter the campus is the Carabao Park, locally known as C-park.

Carabao, our national animal symbolizes hard work. Studying, and life, in general, requires a lot of hard work and perseverance. We all know that laziness is a deterrent to success.

2. "Kwek kwek"Tower

The UPLB Alumni Heritage Tower was popularly known as "Kwek-kwek" Tower since the color of fire at the top of this monument looks like the famous street food.

For me, this monument symbolizes wisdom. Wisdom is honed from the mind, and having wisdom can fuel us to achieve great things in life.

3. "Pegaraw"

A famous landmark in UPLB is the "Pegaraw". It's formally known as the Philippine Pegasus, a winged tamaraw. It stands in front of the Main Library, which is believed to be the largest agricultural library in Asia according to Wikipedia.

The Pegaraw symbolizes how knowledge and hard work can uplift our lives. These can serve as our wings in achieving greatness and success.

4. "Mariang Banga"

A famous landmark near the Palma bridge is the "Mariang Banga". When I was in college, there’s this urban myth spreading around the campus where Mariang Banga is believed to change the way she carries the "banga" (jar) at certain times. It is said that when a person sees that, it brings bad luck.

For me, "Mariang Banga" symbolizes women empowerment. It stands proudly carrying a jar which symbolizes women's strength. This monument also symbolizes Filipino's widespread belief in superstitions, which became part of our colorful traditions.

5. Freedom Park

Locally known as the F-Park, the Freedom Park was one of the famous landmarks in UPLB. This is the largest field in the campus often being used for field sports such as soccer. This is also where the graduation march is being held and a famous spot for people to jog or hang out on the field at sunset.

From its name, this landmark symbolizes freedom. Our life can be considered a wide field and we are given the freedom to do what we want with it.

6. Carillion Tower

Formally known as the Rizal Centenary Carillon Tower, the Carillion Tower is considered as the tallest building in UPLB. An interesting fact from Wikipedia states that while other carillon towers have 23 bells, the Carillion Tower has 37 bells making it the second largest non-traditional carillon in the Asia-Pacific region. It is also one of only two non-traditional carillons in the Philippines.

For me this tower symbolizes humility. Even if it's the tallest building in the campus, it stands proudly at the back of the Freedom back and the Fertility tree.

7. Fertility Tree

The most interesting landmark in UPLB is the Fertility tree. It is the biggest Acacia tree in the campus and can easily be seen from the Freedom Park. It has a huge canopy which tells how old the tree actually is. Locals say that the reason why it was called as such was because it has been a popular spot for couples to hang out at night and often do that thing (you know what I mean).

Fertility tree symbolizes the value of love and relationships. Love conquers all and brings warmth and comfort to people like the tree's wide canopy during a hot sunny day.

8. St. Therese Chapel

Often referred to as the unofficial UPLB Chapel, the St Therese Chapel is the most popular chapel in the UPLB campus. It's located adjacent to the Math building and serves the spiritual needs of the local Catholics. You'll see most Catholic students go here to pray and attend the masses.

This chapel symbolizes faith in God and sense of spirituality, the powerful weapons in our lives.

9. The Oblation

Of course, a UP campus would not be complete without the famous Oblation. The Oblation is a concrete statue by Filipino artist Guillermo E. Tolentino which serves as the iconic symbol of the University of the Philippines. It depicts a man facing upward with arms outstretched.

As we probably know, Oblation symbolizes selfless offering of oneself to his country. It symbolizes nationalism and encourages Filipinos to be proud of our race and to love and serve the country.

There you have it, folks. I hope this blog gave you a quick tour and some valuable insights about UPLB, at the same time the value each of the landmarks symbolizes. If you have the chance, I would highly encourage you to visit UPLB. I'm sure you'll love it! :)

PS: Most of the pictures I've used above are my actual pictures taken from my last visit to UPLB last April 2017. Credit goes to the owner of the other two pictures I found online. :)


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