
The Big "F" Word

In our journey towards success, or in life in general, no matter how hard we try, there would always be times wherein we fill fail. Failure is such a big word that most people fear about it so much. Of course, nobody wants to fail, right? But, as we grow older and become mature and smart in our thinking, we will realize that failure is an inevitable part of our life. More than the bad feeling it gives, we have to realize that failures also serves a great purpose in our lives. In this blog, I wish to share some general ways to overcome failure. The overall strategy is not limited to these, but in my perspective, these are the simplest and effective ones. At the end of the day, we are all unique and we have our own ways in overcoming failure, but I still hope that this assists you on your journey. 1. Accept the situation. Whenever we realize that we fail on something, it's important that we accept that it happened. A normal human tendency is to deny it. There are possible r

Lead Yourself!

One of the valuable lessons I've learned in the corporate world was "personal leadership". It's a concept that's well-defined on several books, as well as online articles and blogs, but in a nutshell, personal leadership for me is being able to lead yourself effectively, accurately and positively. If you are reading my blogs, I remember mentioning about being the captain of our own ships, that means taking full control of our lives and leading it to the direction that we want. In essence, that's personal leadership. I've read several articles online about personal leadership and the one that stood out was from the blog written by Andria Corso published on "Work it Daily" website. She defined personal leadership as "taking responsibility for all aspects of your life and leading it in the direction that is best for you. When you are able to take responsibility for decisions you are making in all areas of your life and you are making those

8 of the Best Traits to Move up the Corporate Ladder

Getting promoted is probably one of the greatest dreams of every employee. Not only that this equates to a higher salary, but it also gives a feeling of pride and a great boost to one's confidence. Getting promoted is indeed a blessing, but getting it is truly not a walk in a park. I have worked in the corporate world for more than 10 years and I was fortunate to have been given the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder. If you are reading my blogs, I remember giving a glimpse of how my corporate journey started after I graduated from UPLB in 2006. To provide immediate financial support to my family, I have made the decision to put my college degree aside and explored the BPO industry, had a hard time getting in, failed many interviews, rejected by a lot of companies, and yet I didn't give up until one company saw my potentials and hired me. In this global company and highly reputable brand, I started my career journey as an agent (Customer care specialist) taking

"CHART your Journey" Blog Series || Chapter 6: Go on and "T"

Hey, we're now at the last topic on this blog series! Thank you so much for tuning in! In the previous blog, we've talked about the factors to consider when realizing your way to success. That is when we started to take action to reach our goals. We've learned that in order to be successful, we need to take accurate and consistent actions. This leads us to the fifth and final topic on the "CHART your journey" series. The last and probably the most essential part of the journey. "T" stands for "Thrive". Wikipedia's definition of "thrive" is "to grow vigorously; flourish; to be successful or make steady progress; prosper." So, how do we thrive? To give you more context, "thriving" involves the following activities: 1. Be optimistic. We all know how powerful our mind is. Our actions are being dictated by what we think, therefore it's crucial that we always feed our mind with positive thoughts if

"CHART your Journey" Blog Series || Chapter 5: Action to "R"

Hey, we're down to our last two topics on this blog series! Thanks for tuning in! I hope you're learning a lot of things so far and being inspired on your journey towards success. Our fourth topic is where the real work and hustle comes in. Now that we already have a deeper understanding of ourselves and started leveraging our skills and started putting them into practice, our actions will eventually determine out fate and what results we will get. The fourth topic on the "CHART your journey" series starts with the letter "R". Do you have an idea what "R" stands for? Yes, you are correct. "R" is for "Realize". It means "to bring into reality; make real; to obtain or achieve, as gain or profit". To give you more context, "realizing" involves the following factors. 1. Prepare to be uncomfortable. Our road to success will require change and this will make us uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable

"CHART your Journey" Blog Series || Chapter 4: Leverage and "A"

Hey, thanks for tuning in to this blog series. We're now halfway through! If you would remember, in the previous blog we talked about honing our skills and investing in ourselves through learning. By now, we should already have a deeper understanding of ourselves, already identified our strengths and whole-heartedly accepted our flaws/ weaknesses. By this time, we should already be exploring learning opportunities and finding a mentor who can support us in our journey towards success. Now that we already have a wealth of knowledge about ourselves and what we're capable of, the next step to success is being able to put those into practice. This leads us to the third topic on the "CHART your journey" series. It start's with a letter "A" and it should be an easy guess for you. Yes, "A" stands for "Apply". This word is defined by Wikipedia as "to put into action; to engage (oneself) in a task with close attention or persistenc

"CHART your Journey" Blog Series || Chapter 3: The Power of "H"

Now that we already have our goals set, the SMART goals that we want to achieve, the next step to success is to further assess ourselves and invest in ourselves. This leads us to our second topic on the "CHART your journey" series. What do you think the letter "H" stands for? Yes, you're right. "H" is for "Hone". Wikipedia defines the word "hone" as "sharpen, refine or perfect (something) over a period of time." In the success context, this means being able to identify our strengths and weaknesses and being able to invest in ourselves. To give more context, honing involves the following activities: 1. Identify your strengths. The first step to becoming successful is being able to identify where we're good at or the set of skills that we have which we can use to achieve success. This is a critical factor to success because if we're not self-aware of our strengths, then it will be difficult for us to r